Climate Change is a symptom

The Letters from Gaia
2 min readMay 17, 2021

The most important story to tell.

Fernando Diaz’s portraits call on us to observe each other without judgement, realising that behind every look; lays a soul. One that deserves love and compassion, irrespective of our gender, ideologies, race, sexual orientations, age or social status.

This was captured by Fernando Diaz (

His reflections inspire thoughts about consciousness, and how by raising our awareness we can learn to connect with humans and nature.

In an article by Ryan Hagen, founder of Crowd Sourcing Sustainability, he talks about collective consciousness and climate change; making an important reflection about the history of humankind and the collective stories that established and shaped modern societies.

“Climate Change is a symptom” — he says.

It is a symptom of the fact that the stories that have shaped our world are outdated; stories and beliefs of a system that does not work anymore.

Of these outdated stories exists the story where humans are somehow separate, and better than nature.

Somewhere in the course of history, we forgot and altered the meaning of the most important story; the one where we understand that Humans ARE nature, and everything is interconnected. 🌎

Humankind’s survival needs rely on the flourishing of Nature. When nature begins to fail, so do we.

Our world is riddled with these failures, we have poverty, hunger and inequality, refugees and wars, we have water scarcity, polluted oceans, air pollution and many more.

☀️ Today we have the opportunity to set our stories straight and re-define our “normal”, our values, our systems. It beings by raising our consciousness to create a safer, healthier, and more just world.

As Ryan says, this “requires a heroic effort by millions and millions of people.

Lucky for us, as society’s stories and values begin to change, heroes won’t look like they used to.

They’ll look like you do.”

- Gaia

If you are a photographer, a writer, a poet, a storyteller and or an activist with a story to share on climate action, we would love to hear from you.

Contact LFG on Instagram.



The Letters from Gaia

Gaia is Earth. These are the stories of our world, combining a narrative of hope & photography to inspire action for a sustainable future, one letter at a time.